You are here: Modules > Publishing a Project > Creating a Destination

Creating a Destination

Before you publish a project through MadCap Flare, you must identify the network, website, or server from which the project can be accessed. A destination tells Flare where to send output files. You can create multiple destinations to send output to many locations.

  1. Right-click the Destinations folder in the Project Organizer. A context menu appears.
  2. Select Add Destination.
  3. Select the radio button next to “New from template.”
  4. Select MyDestination in the Factory Templates folder.
  5. Click Add. The Destination Editor appears.
  6. Select SFTP from the drop-down menu under “Type.”
  7. Type the name of the server you want to publish to in the “Host Name” field.
  8. Type the port number in the “Port” field.
  9. Click the ellipses next to “Directory” and select the folder you created in step 1.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Type the url address where the Flare output can be accessed in the “‘View’ URL” field.
  12. Click Login Credentials and enter your username and password to access the server you specified in the “Host Name” field.
  13. Click OK.